
Adult Ministries

Trinity adults gather several times each week to study and learn the truths found in the Bible. The Bible is our primary guidebook, but we also use our personal experiences and the teachings of many notable Christian leaders like Beth Moore, Chuck Swindoll, Charles and Andy Stanley, Henry Blackaby, Tony Evans and more to add flavor to our studies. Each gathering is a dynamic adventure into the Word of God.

We also gather for fellowships, meals, concerts, service projects and more as often as the calendar allows. You would be a welcome part of our fellowship.

Those adults who choose to join in church membership can serve as leaders in a variety of ministries throughout the various areas of the Chruch.


In many different ways, Trinity is blessed by the work of godly women. Our ladies' ministries pour spiritual life into the women of our church family and community. Through events such as Ladies' Retreats, Bible Studies, Concerts, and High Tea Socials, women have the opportunity to fellowship and be challenged by one another. A number of outreach opportunities, both in our community and beyond, offer the chance for everyone to get involved! Many ladies also volunteer in staffing our church childcare and teaching needs, serving on our leadrship council, assisting with church fellowships, special events and more.


Though surrounded by a culture that has redefined and even disparaged masculinity, we believe male spiritual leadership is essential to the stability of the family and the church body. At Trinity we desire to help men strengthen their personal relationships with Jesus Christ and eagerly assume the responsibilities of spiritual caregivers to their families. We don’t want our men to simply sit in the pew and soak information. We want them to actively engage in service. What they learn in church on Sunday they should apply as they train their children at home, evangelize the lost, or care for the church body. Trinity Men’s Ministries offer men such opportunities to put their faith into practice. Through Bible studies and activities, fathers and sons can grow closer to one another. Our men serve as leaders, ushers, teachers and learners. During mission trips men can proclaim the gospel and assist missionaries. Through service days men can meet needs within the church family. At prayer breakfast we hold each other up, encourage and challenge- “iron sharpening iron”. Building a strong church begins by building spiritually strong men.


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